nbc membership

All membership subscriptions commence on the 1st January and expire 31st December in any year

Single Membership: £5.00
Joint Membership: £8.00
Junior Membership (under 16): £1.00

Life Membership Single: £50.00
Life Membership Joint: £70.00

Printable Membership Application Form - Click Here 
(Please note if you are using FireFox this may not download please revert to Internet Explorer) 

The Breed Council Code of Conduct can be found Here

Once completed, please post to: Vikki Van-Beck, 63 Wareham Grove, Dodworth, S75 3LU

All cheques ot be made payable to The Northern Boxer Club

You can now pay your Membership through PayPal - see below
Please note that we have to increase the amount payable to cover the PayPal fees
Payment can also be made direct into our Bank (details upon request)

Membership Subscription Jan-Dec

Within your Membership pack you will receive our NBC Membership Booklet containing:
Forthcoming NBC Events
Rules and Constitution of the NBC
Boxer Breed Council Code of Conduct 
General Information

Reduced Entry Fees at ALL our KC Licensed Shows