The wall of remembrance
The Northern Boxer Club are continually raising funds towards our Boxer's Health. We invite anyone and everyone to send photo(s) of their beloved Boxer(s) that they have sadly lost with a few words of remembrance for all to view.
All funds raised will be used towards the Health of the Boxer (as The NBC see fit)
Each beloved lost member is at a cost of £10.00 payable to The Northern Boxer Club
Please send your photos and words to Vikki Van-Beck either via e-mail: Here or post to 63 Wareham Grove, Dodworth, S75 3LU
Current NBC Health Fund Total: £625.00
We have lost a most precious family member
Grey our brave boy
We have had the privilege and pleasure of sharing our lives with him for over 13 years
He was such a kind and gentle sole who triumphed over cancer three times
Grey are only boy had endless patience with his boxer sisters, siblings Ivy and Bonnie and the late Penny
They miss him immensely
He is forever in our hearts and minds. May he run free with his sister Penny
Love you lots ❤️❤️❤️
Sadly, our beautiful Teddy Czolacz has passed away (16.4.24) aged 11 years and 1 month old
As heartbroken as we are to no longer have Ted in our lives, he will never be forgotten and we are so grateful to have been able to love our Ted
He was such a sweet boy, a massive part of our family and true soul mate to his brother Woody, the boys were inseparable
Go join the gang Ted, until we all meet again xx
11/8/16 - 11/6/23
We re-homed him at a young age from a family who simply didn't understand boxers
He gave me some problems initially, but settled down into a great worker who did KC Good Citizen to Gold, loved Scentwork and Mantrailing
Life cut short by lymphoma at 6 years old
We remember him enjoying our allotment with his friend, Lois, and digging up our potatoes plus lots of other holes in the plot
He loved plucking raspberries and blackberries and always ate the ripest
Dog walkers on our local fields always had a treat for him and a fuss
Miss him so much
Rest well. We will meet again
Di Wild
Our pretty Penny has left us, succumbing to lymphoma
Her idiosyncrasies were many but we loved her so much
We have so many happy memories but still cry rivers of tears
Our back garden resembles the craters of the moon, digging was her speciality
She could open cupboards, especially the food cupboards
There is never a good time to say goodbye and this Christmas we will miss the barking and howling at Christmas ornaments in people’s gardens
Penny loved brass bands but did not always howl in tune
There is a large void in our hearts and home
Your window seat is still vacant, along with your place by the fire
Our other dogs miss you greatly and patiently await your return from the long walk you have recently taken
God Bless you my brave girl
We will all meet again
♥ ♥ ♥︎
So blessed to have had Winnie in our lives for 11 1/2 years
Winnie loved her family and was a massive part of our lives
A beautiful girl with the sweetest soul
Bruce and Ozzy are waiting for you, until we meet again
Loved and missed always
the Czolacz Family
Cilla, a great boxer bred by Maggie Knight and lived to 14 years and 3 months
A great obedience boxer, sheep herder and close friend
Put to sleep on the 9th August to prevent further suffering
19/04/2005 - 09/08/2019
Di Wild
3rd June 2013 - 8th July 2018
Loving and happy memories of a special dog
Jasper was just five years old and loved by all with whom he came into contact with
He will be sorely missed, especially by his heartbroken Mum and Dad
John & Margaret Prentice
Roly (Sarsbrook High Roller)
13/12/06 to 18/11/16
A wonderful gentle lad who did much for me
Gold Good Citizen, racer, and sheep herder
He loved his Norfolk holidays and
finding treasures on the beach
Greatly missed by all his friends and Cilla, his constant companion
Rocco (Hillcourt Zirocco Blue at Jimbren)
08/07/16 to 22/06/17
Followed on from Roly and in a very short time did Good Citizen to Silver level
A great little lad taken by a massive seizure for which there seems no explanation
Left a great hole in the household
Rest in peace both of you
Di Wild

Photo taken in 1958 of Vaneck Boxers

Vaneck Boxers
(Left) Vaneck Reinsilber (Abba) and Vaneck Gudrun (Gudy) being 'Nosey Parkers' in 1978 and
(Right) Vaneck Kaviar Noir (Kavi), Vaneck Danke and Vaneck Traumschiff in 1994
Kavi and Gudy both attained their Junior Warrant and Kavi won Best Puppy in Show at Manchester Championship Show
All owned and adored by Giesla Fairbrother (Vaneck) - Vaneck is now owned in partnership with Glynis Madin

12-Nov-2002 - 24-Feb-2016
Battled everything that was thrown at him, hit by a car, severe heart murmur, mast cell tumour at age 7,
prostate tumour at age 9
and kept going strong to the ripe old age of 13yrs 4 months
when chronic kidney failure finally took its toll
Sweet Dreams to a special boy
Antony & Stefan
Mai - Subarashi Kinetic
13-Oct-2007- 23-Apr-2014
Mischievous till the end!
Owned and loved by Helen and Rick, succumbed to T-Cell Lymphoma after 8 good months on chemotherapy

Our beloved friend and companion died from a Mast Cell Tumour just days before his 8th Birthday
His loss is devastating and he will be sorely missed
John & Margaret Prentice

Sadly lost his fight to cancer aged 7 years 5 months
He has gone to meet up with his best friend Lady.
A beautiful gentle dog that was loved by all those that knew him
He will be sadly missed by all family members and his young friend Blue
Lesley, Kevin & Jason

Aged 12 Years and 11 Months Was with me no matter where I worked home or abroad,
she was always by my side
Will be truly missed by all family members and Best Friend Henry
Died of a tumour 30 Oct 10
Lesley, Kevin and Jason

Someday I wish upon a star, and wake up were the clouds are far behind me
Do you know were hell is, hell is in hello, heaven is goodbye forever it's time for me to go
For I was born under a wandering star
When I get to heaven tie me to a tree, for soon I will begin to roam, and you will know were i will be
For I was born under a wandering star
Kenmilquin Athena Crufts 14 Qualified Owned and loved by Peter Riley

Aged 10 Years 4 Months A loving Dog with a kind soul
A greatly missed member of the Czolacz Family gone to meet his Best Friend Bruce

Phoebe and Zimmy (Mum & Son)
Both lived long and happy Boxer lives Phoebe 13 and Zimmy 12 years old
Loved and missed by John, Bernie & Vicky Paxis Boxers

Aged 2 yrs Tragically lost her battle against a severe kidney disorder in Nov 08
Owned and loved by Pauline Taylor

Aged 7 yrs 5 months In memory of a loving family dog, sadly died from a brain tumour
A greatly missed member of the Czolacz family

CH Newlaithe Marietta (Letty)
Aged 13 Sadly died due to old age
Christine Beardsell & Vikki Van-Beck Newlaithe Boxers

Aged 6 yrs Very sadly died of kidney failure
Owned and adored by Pauline Taylor

Pa Stella Maris (Mara)
Aged 10 years 10 months - sadly sacrificed on November 16th last,
due to her painful, intractable paresis
Owned and loved by Audrey Schnell, Porter, Montgomery County USA

Brave Challenger (Bertie)
Aged 7ys 11mths (29/10/89 - 22/9/97)
He had 3 general anaesthetics with operations in a short space of time
His final diagnosis was kidney failure
He was a real character; he would only fetch a hard blue rubber ball - no other colour would do!
Kerry & Nick Hobson Nickerbox Boxers

Aged 6yrs, 10mths Jake was Kerry & Nick's baby, sadly died due to a brain tumour
Kerry & Nick Hobson Nickerbox Boxers

Newlaithe Red Dream (Boris)
Aged 6 Boris was toy mad. He once tried following a workman up the ladder with a toy!
(Boris on left) Sadly died due to a Brain Tumour
Pauline Taylor

Hilthorn Pagan Man (Sam)
Aged 11½ Sadly died due to Prostrate Cancer
Anne & Arthur Simpson Hilthorn Boxers

Bucksteps Toblerone at Holzar
My darling Sam died at 7 with a brain tumour
Karen Turner Holzar Boxers

Koppernox Tangerine Dream (Tango) Aged 10
Tango lived up to her name as she loved to dance for you!
Sadly died due to a Brain Tumour
Pauline Taylor

Hilthorn Nouvelle Flame (Flame) Aged 9
Sadly died due to a Brain Tumour Anne & Arthur Simpson, Hilthorn Boxers

1996-2008 12 and a half years old A special dog who brought happiness and joy to all who knew him,
loved and missed always
Your family Vivien Pantin and family, Carlisle

Our Lovely Dutchy crossed the bridge to be with her mum Ruby on 2nd July 2009
at the tender young age of 5 years and with her she took a piece of my heart
Karen Turner Holzar Boxers